Feedback and complaints.

How do I leave feedback or make a complaint?

Email us

Call us

0451 943 879

Other ways to get in touch

If you have a hearing or speech impairment National Relay Service can help you with your call to Isla Care.

Speak and Listen 1300 555 727

TTY 133677

SMS relay number 0423 677 767

How we will respond

When your complaint is received, we will acknowledge receipt of it to you. The resolution will depend on the nature of the complaint and the actions required. We will endeavour to resolve your complaint as quickly as possible

We will keep you or the complainant informed during the resolution process and, as is appropriate, what we will do to prevent it from happening again.

If we can’t resolve your complaint, we’ll explain why and let you know your other options. If you are unhappy with the outcome, we can help you to escalate the matter within Isla Care or make a complaint to an external organisation.

Please keep in mind, if you provide feedback or a complaint to us via posted letter it may take us longer to acknowledge receipt of your complaint.

We want to hear from you

At Isla Care, our purpose is to support people with disabilities to achieve their goals and live a life they love, and that’s why we want to hear what you have to say!

We welcome feedback and/or complaints from the people we support, their families, carers, other agencies, and the public. We take all information received very seriously and endeavour to provide a values-based approach where the principles for resolution are aligned with our Values.

What kind of feedback can I provide?

We recognise the rights of all people to lodge a complaint or provide feedback about any aspect of our services. We value your feedback and are here to help.

You can provide feedback or submit a complaint to Isla Care about:

  • A member of staff

  • A service – are these delivered in line with what you want?

  • How you were treated

  • Something else – are we doing well? Where can we do better?

Can my complaint be private?

We are committed to maintaining your privacy and confidentiality.

When you make a complaint, you can choose to remain anonymous. Isla Care always try to resolve a complaint at the local level. If you don’t want to speak to your worker, or the local manager, you can tell us that in the complaint and we will determine the best person for you to speak to.

We will only tell people who need to know to help us fix the problem.

How else can we help?

We can help you make a complaint within Isla Care if you need this support. If you don’t want to make your complaint to Isla care, we can support you to make a complaint to an external organisation including, but not limited to:

  • NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Commission

  • Relevant State Ombudsman

  • Human Rights Commission

  • The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC)